When the Choral Artisans launched as a community chorus back in the fall of 2016, the mission was to serve the city with collaborative art experiences through the craft of choral music-making. Choral music greatly benefits from the cross-pollination which takes place with other artistic mediums (painting, dance, theatre, etc.). The goal was to link arms with other arts organizations to make a positive contribution to the aesthetic life of our city. The Choral Artisans were grateful for another opportunity to collaborate with the Brooks & Bourke Musical Theatre Company on the production of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In the midst of a feature animation renaissance in the early 1990's, the storytellers at Disney Animation set out to break new ground with their next animated feature by turning for inspiration to Victor Hugo's classic gothic novel. The resulting 1996 film produced a score by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Stephen Schwartz that was quickly called to life onstage.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Stephen Brooks and Ted Bourke to discuss how their musical theatre company came to be part of the arts community in Indianapolis.
What was the first musical you remember attending and what impact did it make?
How did Brooks & Bourke become part of the Indy arts community?
What's your mission and what distinguishes you from other community theatre groups?
What drew you to the production of Hunchback of Notre Dame?
How can people learn more about the work of Brooks & Bourke?